child support
Child support is the right of the child. Child support typically consists of a Guideline amount (often referred to as "table" child support) which is usually paid on a monthly basis to cover the child's basic necessities. The Federal Child Support Guidelines provide a fixed amount of child support payable based on the income of the payor parent.
In shared parenting arrangements, the calculation of the amount of child support is not so clear cut and further review is required.
In addition to table child support there are special and extraordinary expenses (also referred to as Section 7 expenses) which are paid in proportion to the parties' incomes. Determining the appropriate child support amount can be difficult if the support payor's income fluctuates, if the payor is self-employed or if the payor is underemployed or unemployed.
The lawyers at Simpson Taseer can assist you with quantifying your child's entitlement to support.